Intellectual property is often overlooked and lost to competitors. Yet in today’s global market, IP is more valuable than ever.
Hultquist IP practices exclusively in the field of intellectual property law. We have a thorough knowledge of IP and take a hands-on, focused approach in establishing and protecting IP assets.
Hultquist Argument at First AIA Trial Hearing in Silicon Valley Prevails at U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
On January 25, 2019, an Inter Partes Review Certificate was issued for U.S. Patent 8,651,118, concluding over six years of efforts beginning with the filing of the patent application by Hultquist, PLLC in 2012. Within a year of its issue, Inter Partes Review (IPR) proceedings were initiated against the patent by Tre Milano, LLC. The subsequent trial hearing for the IPR took place in the Silicon Valley branch of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, as the first AIA trial hearing in Silicon Valley. Steven Hultquist argued the case for TF3 Limited before Judges Calve, Daniels, and Goodson, and in subsequent appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, the patentability of the claims at issue was confirmed. TF3 LTD. v. Tre Milano, LLC, 894 F. 3d 1366 (CAFC 2018).